CRAP! Our Email has been down!

We are SO sorry!! We sent out emails and updates, and wondered why we have not received any love lately! Our email servers were unknowingly down, and any emails that may have been sent to us (without a response in return), we did not receive!!

On the bright side, our email has been fixed and we can get back in touch with everyone!


It is almost time for the Selfless Hands Foundation's Fourth Annual Trunk-or-Treat event! It will be held on Monday, October 31, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Ice Event Center & Grill (1148 N.E. 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111). We are excited to provide our community members with a memorable experience as we will have great music, moon bounce, carnival games, popcorn and LOTS of candy!

 We are currently seeking volunteers and donations of candy to make this happen! In prior years, our event has grown tremendously and we've had amazing turn-outs. With the anticipation of a higher turnout this year, it is our goal to have 20 TRUNKS this year!

"WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?" On the day of the event, you will decorate †he trunk of your car with Halloween decorations (any theme of your choice), and prepare †o pass out candies to over 300 children. We ask that each trunk will bring their own candies to begin the event with, and our organization will have a refill station to provide throughout the event.

If you are interested in serving as a Trunker or in other capacities, you can fill out this form here:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

Thank you all,

Raven Crisp Smith, CEO & Founder

Selfless Hands Foundation